So Luke and Hannah are currently down in Guatemala with a group from our church.
I think it's their second time...
Seriously, my daughter in law can make a hard hat look good.
They got in some fun zip lining before they headed to Eagle's Nest... the orphanage our church has been working with for quite some time now.
Love this picture. :)
While they are in Guatemala, we are dog sitting their almost 6 month old German Shepherd hurricane. Piranha.
Crazy @ss puppy. Oh my word.
Oh Ellis is adorable. And he does the head tilt thing every time you take his picture.
Which I do... all the time. Because he's stinkin' cute.
He has these huge paws, and he gallops like a durpy pony.
He's a sweet boy who wants you to love him and rub his floppy ear.
He also snarfs treats like a baby shark, and does this thing where he runs like a crazy chicken all through the house.
He's basically a 4 legged, furry, slinky toddler that you have to watch every second.
Or he will cruise the cat box for snacks.
Rocket is torn between tolerance and wanting to play with him.
Mostly he just lays on the couch and sighs a lot.
Oh Ellis, we love you.
In other news, I was in Walmart yesterday.
Because I needed cat litter, bacon, 12 packs of orange kool-aid, and other assorted items.
And then I saw this:
You should know I did not walk into the store saying, 'I really need a giant stuffed flamingo in my life.'
But man, he was just so cute. So I sent a picture of him to Belle (who said I do indeed, need a flamingo in my life.)
The next thing I know, he's in my cart... just riding along so nicely, like he belongs there.
And he made me happy. So I could totally overlook the little kids who were pointing and saying,
"Hey Moooooooom! Look at the big flamingo in that lady's cart!"
He's going to be my office flamingo. I haven't named him yet. Ideas?
(Do you think he looks like a Fernando?)
Puppies...I always say it's like having a toddler that doesn't wear diapers and won't watch videos!
Posted by: Leslie Honcoop | January 22, 2019 at 08:38 AM
“Sylvie” the flamingo is a cute kids book...
Posted by: Jenn | January 22, 2019 at 08:24 PM
Oh definitely a fernando
Posted by: Ginger | January 29, 2019 at 07:33 AM